Semantic components overflow is the internal requirement of syntax, seman-tic structure and pragmatic expression, the representation of speaker's cognitive process as well as the outcome of the attenuating of language development. 语义成分的溢出是句法、语义结构上的内在要求,是说话人认知过程的体现,是语用表达的需要,也是语言发展精细化的结果。
A method of semantic web technologies-based agricultural knowledge representation was proposed, which transforms natural language form-based agricultural information into computer-understandable agricultural knowledge that can be reused and shared efficiently. 本文介绍了基于语义Web技术的农业知识表示,目的是将以自然语言形式的农业信息转变为机器可理解形式的农业知识,使得农业知识能够有效的共享和重用。
A medium language, which is not only fit to query language semantic representation but also better to be changed into computer language, is constructed in this paper. A concrete algorithm, which can change natural language to the medium language, is programmed, too. 构造了一套即适合查询语言语义表示又利于转换计算机执行语句的中间语言,并给出了自然语言转中间语言的具体转换算法。
In modern Chinese, the form of "lian A dai B" appears with great frequency, complex constitution, succinct form and rich semantic representation. It has been enriched and innovated in the process of language development. 现代汉语中连A带B格式的出现频率很高,该格式构成复杂、形式简练、表义丰富,在语言长期发展过程中不断得到充实和创新。
(ⅲ) A text generation engine converts the semantic representation into text report described by natural language. (ⅲ)文本生成引擎将语义表达转化为自然语言描述的文本报告。